25 years professional


BS - Spanish, English

MS - Media: TV/Film

  • More...

    Through creativity and imagination, Sheri generates new ideas quickly to help teams brainstorm the best solutions for communication needs and issues.  She forms the right teams to tackle projects and then effectively leads them to put conceptual ideas into concrete actions and practices. By skillfully drawing linkages among facts, events, people, problems, or solutions, she  develops effective communication strategies and products that have helped her clients succeed. Because of her superb networking skills and ability to connect the dots, Sheri helps find solutions for a variety of team challenges. As demonstrated through numerous awards, her writing, editing, and producing skills for all forms of media are par excellence.

  • Recognitions

    National Media Awards:

    Telly (8)


    Communicator (4)


    Aurora (2)


    Accolade (1)

    Various NASA team and Individual Awards, including the NASA Award for Exceptional Public Service Award, Federal Leadership

    Award, Who’s Who in Media and Communications, and Who’s Who in American Women


    RTI Team and Project Management Awards


Communications Strategist


Copyright  © 2016 Sheri Beam